Vacation to Balaton with the Czech Railways
Rodinka v čele s tatínkem Trojanem se v nové TV kampani vydává do Maďarska. České dráhy spotem lákají na cesty do zahraničí, a to zejména k blízkým sousedům do Polska, Maďarska, Rakouska, Německa nebo na Slovensko.
Family with the main star actor Trojan is going to Hungary in a new TV campaign.
The spot for Czech Railways should tempt people to go more for trips abroad, especially to our close neighbors such as Poland, Hungary, Austria, Germany or Slovakia.
The story features the actresses Kristýna Boková as the mother and Veronika Marková playing her daughter. The two-meter-tall Ostravak Filip Ježowicz and girlfriend Péťa, around whom the plot revolves, are newly introduced in the comical mini-role of the Hungarian passenger.
According to the script, the actors had to use several foreign words, for example the expression “Egészségedre”, “Cheers” in Hungarian, the angry “Mi sörterik?”, which means “What’s going on?”, or the German “Was?”, which weren’t even in the script and were put in on the set.
Ivan Trojan was again directed by his brother Ondřej. The spot was produced by T.H.A. and the Havas agency took care of the creative side.