Trojan playing a double role in the campaign Car vs. Train

Vyrazit si na služební cestu autem vám může způsobit nečekané trampoty. Ivan Trojan je tentokrát musí vyřešit sám se sebou v rolích řidiče auta a drzého servisáka z noname autoservisu.

Who will have the upper hand and what is the point, all that you can find in the new TV spot. All we can say is, that this wouldn’t happen to you on a train.

The new Car versus Train campaign demonstrates the benefits of the business class versus the option of a car. In business class, the train offers them, the hight speed of transportation, greater comfort and full service, which they do not have to get whilst travelling by car.

In addition to television, the campaign will also appear on radio and online. Directed by Ondřej Trojan.

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Trojan playing a double role in the campaign Car vs. Train

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