A true fan does not buy his kit, he earns it

Every true football fan would love to get as close as possible to the national team. We decided to make this dream come true for those passionate about supporting their team. This is why fotbalvsrdci.cz was created.


We reward fans for proving their passion and support on the website with points that they can exchange for exclusive experiences, trips, tickets or merchandise. They have a chance to get coffee with players from the Czech national team, take part in training sessions, or get the latest kit. A true fan does not buy his kit, he earns it, and he can earn it by uploading photos, sharing competitions, commenting on posts, or taking a selfie at a match.

Billboard, Instagram, Televize, Web

You won’t come across fotbalvsrdci only on the website. You can also find it on Instagram, television, or even on a billboard on your way to work. Above all, it should be something you see during matches. You can collect points there for taking selfies, but also just by supporting your team properly. All you have to do is type in a message at fotbalvsrdci.cz and it will appear on the LED screens next to the pitch during the game.

More than 1,300 passionate football fans who have registered on the website are already setting an example for others. Passionate young fans also have the opportunity to support the national team. Girls and boys can compete before every match to see who will walk alongside the national team onto the pitch.


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